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Program Basics, Benefits and Requirements

​​​​Any community in Kentucky can become a CLG. A local unit of government that wishes to become a CLG follows a certification process through which it works with SHPO to outline a plan for achieving its preservation goals. Once certified as a CLG, the community gains access to program benefits. 

Want to know more about the CLG Program? 

Review the Kentucky CLG Manual for a full discussion of the program, benefits, and requirements for participating communities. 

The National Historic Preservation Act [NHPA] and the State of Kentucky require a local government seeking certification to meet five broad standards: 
  • ​Enforce appropriate state and local legislation for the designation and protection of historic properties. In Kentucky, a local government must adopt a local historic preservation ordinance that meets KHC guidelines. The preservation ordinance is usually a section of the local zoning ordinance. 
  • Establish an adequate and qualified preservation commission [architectural review board], as stipulated in state and local legislation. 
  • Establish and maintain a system for the survey and inventory of historic properties. 
  • Provide for adequate public participation in the local historic preservation program, including the process of recommending properties for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. 
  • Satisfactorily perform any other responsibilities delegated in the CLG agreement.​

​​Have Questions?​

Nicole Roth
Site Identification Program Manager
CLG Program & Planning Coordinator​

Other Helpful Information

​CLG Contact List​​

CLG Elected Officials List​​​​